What if my dream job doesn’t exist anymore?

You go through school to get a job.


But what if your dream job doesn’t exist anymore? The convergence of old and new technology has shifted the way in which we participate with our world. In turn, media practices have also changed. The convergence of old and new media has shaped a different type of audience as well as a diverse selection of platforms through which people receive news and information.

The emergence of the prosumer is an alternative triumph to mainstream news reporting. By moving forward technologically we have allowed grassroots media to thrive. This has allowed a broader pool of alternative knowledge to seep through the cracks of what was once predominately a top-down, media dynasty.

While these moguls still rule the majority of commercial news media, the internet provides different ways to get information out there. While online people have a broader choice in what they want and do not want to see in news media. The internet allows us to create and disseminate information within an instant.

Internet blogging is an example of how you can start from nothing and become successful and famous for your writing. Bloggers such as: Mario Lavandeira of Perez Hilton, Jake and Amir of College Humor, Harvey Levin of TMZ and Peter Cashmore of Mashable, all began writing their blogs which are now read by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. They’re all examples of how convergent media has assisted in the creation of jobs.

These people started with an opinion and used it to create jobs out of nothing. Through blogging, they were able to break into an otherwise tough industry. The path they took represents a new breed of journalists who have understand what people want to read, are internet savvy, and adaptable to change.

So if you’re an aspiring journalist, start a blog – get a job.